
Plantersville Renewable Energy Center
Sunrise Renewables is proposing a 213-megawatt (MW) solar project and a 300MW solar hybrid project, which produces and stores energy from the sun with batteries, on privately owned land located on property on the east and west sides of Highway 701, several miles from the center of the Plantersville community.
About Plantersville Renewable Engery Center
The project area would encompass approximately 2,250 acres in northern Georgetown County. Sunrise Renewables and the landowner understand the importance of forests to the local community and economy and will develop the project in an environmentally sound manner.
This homegrown, clean energy project is anticipated to bring local benefits without increased costs to the community.
It will not add a material burden on infrastructure, schools, or other services. In addition, at the end of the project’s useful life, Sunrise is contractually bound to remove all infrastructure, and the landowner plans to reforest the site and continue sustainable forest management on the property.
This homegrown, clean energy project is anticipated to bring local benefits without increased costs to the community.

Create approximately 300 to 500 jobs during construction.
Increase local property tax revenues to support schools and community needs.
Support local businesses by increasing spending on goods, supplies, and services.
What is a Solar Farm?A solar farm or a solar power plant is a group of interconnected solar panels that convert sunlight into electricity. Solar farms feed their electricity into the existing network of poles and wires that deliver electricity to homes and businesses just like any other type of power plant. Currently, the U.S. has more than 2,500 “utility scale” (a term used to differentiate solar power plants from solar panels mounted on a home or a business) solar power plants. More information from the U.S. Department of Energy at https:// www.energy.gov/eere/solar/how-does-solar-work.
How long will the solar power plant be here?The estimated operational lifespan is 30- 35 years for the technology, during which time it will produce clean electricity with no smoke, no odors, no imported fuels, and no air pollution. Millions of Americans live near utility-scale solar projects, which can be found in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico. More information is available at https://cleanpower.org/ wp-content/uploads/gateway/2021/12/ SolarNeighbor_240710.pdf
What will occur at the end of the solar power plant life?The solar power plant will be removed, and the property will be restored similar to the pre-construction condition. The current owner of the property will be able to use the property as they choose, including planting and harvesting timber or crops on the property. A decommissioning plan that will include the process for and estimated cost of deconstructing all of the solar plant structures and the recycling of components will be prepared prior to the start of construction.
What is the purpose of battery storage?Solar power plants paired with battery storage help support electricity demands during times when there is lots of energy demand from homes and businesses on the energy grid, and during times when solar energy production is variable, like the evening. The battery storage system also increases energy grid reliability and resiliency to power outages. More information is available at https://cleanpower.org/facts/ clean-energy-storage/.
Will this project produce a lot of sound?No. Solar energy plants are a quiet use and Plantersville Renewable Energy Center will be a quiet neighbor. Sounds produced by some components, like inverters and transformers, are not expected to be heard beyond the project boundary because of their location within the project site, the 200-foot setbacks, and the vegetation on the site.
Why Plantersville?The site was selected, in part, due to the availability of private land held by a single landowner that supports a well-designed solar facility that is significantly set back from roadways and property lines and largely obscured from view. The location is also close to both the Santee Cooper transmission lines and the retiring Winyah Coal Generation Station. Additionally, the site allows us to design, construct and operate an economically competitive solar facility with minimal environmental impacts. For example, the project is designed to minimize wetland impacts, to utilize existing roads and stream crossings to avoid impacts from new roads and crossings, to incorporate significant wildlife corridors that allow wildlife migration, and to incorporate setbacks of at least 200 feet in which existing natural vegetation will be retained as much as possible.
What has been done for the project so far?Plantersville Renewable Energy Center has entered options to lease the property for the project, which allows them to perform due diligence. A desktop analysis of environmental features (including cultural resources), a wetlands delineation, a wildlife habitat assessment, and a survey of the site have been completed, and a conceptual plan has been prepared. Additional environmental studies and geotechnical studies will be performed, and engineering and construction plans will be prepared by a South Carolina licensed engineer.
What permits and approvals will the project required to get?The project must get zoning and land disturbance approvals from Georgetown County, stormwater approvals and a coastal zone consistency determination from the South Carolina Department of Environmental Services (former SCDHEC), permits from the US Army Corps of Engineers (ACOE) for any disturbance of waters or wetlands, and a certificate from the South Carolina Public Service Commission. Permit requirements will depend on final design of the project. Plantersville Renewable Energy Center is working to design and construct the project with minimal environmental impact, including by the use of existing site entrances and roads, minimal wetland crossings, maintenance of extensive wildlife corridors, and maintenance of significant existing vegetation within the 200-foot setbacks.
Why Sunrise & CIP?Sunrise is a fully owned subsidiary of Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners (CIP). CIP was founded in 2012 as an infrastructure fund manager and clean energy contractor. CIP is the world’s largest dedicated fund manager within greenfield renewable energy. The funds managed by CIP focus on investments in financing and building the clean energy infrastructure, which is needed to secure a sustainable future for our planet. For more information, visit www.cip.com.

What is solar power?
Solar power is energy from the sun coverted into electrical energy
What is battery storage system?
Battery storage enables energy to be stored and released when needed.